Interested in Match-Making?

Matchmaking has been established to support researchers to connect with other researchers from the 12 focal countries on a funding application. If you have not yet done so, please ensure that your ‘about’ section on OurSpace is populated with the following information, to ensure that researchers with similar interest to yours can review and match with you, or you with them:

What are your research interests?
What is your disciplinary background?
What is your methodological expertise?
What would you be interested in exploring as part of the u’Good!? Research Programme?
What theme(s) (Livelihoods, Mental Health, Climate Change, Digitalisation) would align best with your interest?
What age group within youth would you be interested in?
Which country are you likely to implement your research in?

Steps to match with researchers:

To find researchers to match with, register for one or more of the following 5 groups:

Mental Health
Climate Change
Conceptual/theoretical engagement with relational wellbeing

Register for the Groups

To register for these groups, click on the ‘groups’ tab on the left side of the screen, followed by clicking on one of the group options that you wish to be a part of, then click ‘join’. Once you have joined, you will be able to locate other researchers who have joined this group, under the ‘members’ tab on the right side of the screen. You will then be able to click on each profile, review the researchers’ profile information and add members who you would like to connect with as ‘friends’. Once you have done so, you will be able to chat to your friends, using the ‘chat’ function.
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We aim to test and further develop relational approaches to wellbeing (RWB) and generate empirical insights into key contemporary challenges to young people’s wellbeing, and how they are addressing these.