Professor Jonathan David Jansen

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Professor Jonathan David Jansen

Faculty of Education
Stellenbosch University

Professor Jonathan Jansen is a curriculum theorist whose research focuses on the politics of knowledge in schools and universities. He completed his MSc at Cornell University and his PhD in Education at Stanford University. His first academic job in South Africa was as Chair of Curriculum Studies at the then UDW. He was also a Head of Department, Dean (twice), acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and Administrator. He is currently President of the Academy of Science of South Africa and Distinguished Professor of Education at Stellenbosch University. Prof Jansen has received numerous accolades for his work including four Honorary degrees; the Spendlove Prize from University of California; and the Inaugural Alumni Excellence Award from Stanford University. He is a Fellow of the International Academy of Education and the American Educational Research Association. He has authored more than 20 books, including Knowledge in the Blood which received multiple awards. This publishing interest in the politics of knowledge started with his edited book Knowledge and Power in Academic Disciplines. The most recent is the co-authored The Decolonization of Knowledge.