Professor Robin Warren

1st A-Rating
Professor Robin Warren

Centre for Tuberculosis Research
Stellenbosch University

Professor Robin Warren’s research is based on a foundation molecular epidemiology which has led to numerous landmark publications in the field of Tuberculosis (TB). He is the Unit Director of the South African Medical Research Council Centre for Tuberculosis Research; a Distinguished Professor at Stellenbosch University; and heads the TB Genomics Research Group in the Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics. He has published over 370 papers and 15 book chapters and contributes to WHO technical guides. He plays a pivotal role in the archiving of clinical TB isolates in collaboration with the National Health Laboratory Service. Prof Warren is currently the PI, Laboratory PI or Co-I on five NIH awards, two FWO awards, and two SAMRC awards. He has mentored 24 MSc and 36 PhD graduates, four NIH K-awardees, two Wellcome Trust Research Fellows, and two NRF career development awardees (SU). His awards include the SAMRC Gold Medal Award for Scientific Excellence and the Chancellors Award from SU.