Professor Victor Houliston

1st A-Rating
Professor Victor Houliston

School of Literature and Language Studies
University of the Witwatersrand

Professor Victor Houliston is a literary historian, bibliographer and textual critic, studying at Oxford University where he also obtained his DPhil. He joined the University of the Witwatersrand as a Lecturer and he is currently Emeritus Professor at the university. The past few years have been dominated by work on a multi-volume, multi-lingual edition of The Correspondence and Unpublished Papers of Robert Persons, for the Royal English College in Valladolid, Spain. He has played a leadership role in the Southern African Society for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, both as President of the Society and Editor of the journal. He is also been active in the Shakespeare Society of Southern Africa. His reputation is founded on his monograph Catholic Resistance in Elizabethan England and the publication of the first volume of the Persons Correspondence, with a second volume in press and a third in preparation. He is regularly invited to contribute to international collections of essays on Reformation-era politics, religion and book history.