Natural Sciences and Engineering
Professor Monnye Mabelebele

Department of Agriculture and Animal Health
University of South Africa

Professor Monnye Mabelebele is an agro-researcher focusing on animal nutrition and food security. Her aim is to contribute to the development of South African agriculture to ensure food security as well as employment. She completed her Honours and Master’s cum laude in Animal Sciences at the University of Limpopo and PhD in Animal Nutrition Science at the University of New England, Australia where she won the Vice-Chancellor’s Award. Currently an Associate Professor and Head of Research and Graduate Studies in the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences at UNISA, she started her career as an intern at the Agricultural Research Council before moving to the University of Limpopo where she worked as a Lecturer. Since 2012, she has authored or co-authored 34 articles in journals such as the South African Journal of Animal Science and Food Science and Nutrition and two book chapters. She has supervised two Master’s students and four Doctoral candidates to completion and is currently supervising 10 Master’s and Doctoral candidates. Prof Mabelebele won the Emerging Women in Research Excellence Award from UNISA and was elected a member of the SA Young Academy of Science.