Professor Yevhen Zelenyuk

Professor Yevhen Zelenyuk

School of Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand

Prof Yevhen Zelenyuk’s main research interest lies in topological algebra, especially in topological semigroups and the Stone-Cech compactification. He completed his postgraduate and postdoctoral studies at Shevchenko University, Ukraine. One of the results of his Candidate of Science dissertation was constructing a locally compact monothetic topological semigroup which is neither compact nor discrete. This showed that an important theorem of A. Weil (every locally compact monothetic topological group is either compact or discrete, 1940) does not hold for topological semigroups. He co-authored the book Topologies on Groups Determined by Sequences. In his Doctor of Science dissertation he proved that the Stone-Cech compactification of the integers contains no nontrivial finite groups, considered a fundamental result in the field. He joined the University of the Witwatersrand in 2004 as an Associate Professor and in 2006 was appointed as Research Professor. In 2011 his book, Ultrafilters and Topologies on Groups, was published. His research outputs over the last eight years include 25 peer-reviewed journal articles.