Finance and Supply Chain

Finance and Supply Chain

The Finance and Supply Chain division led through the Office of the CFO, provides cross-cutting shared services across the NRF. The function draws its mandate from the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA, Act 1 of 1999, as amended), Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (PPPFA), and various applicable laws, National Treasury regulations and prescripts to ensure that the NRF has and maintains effective, efficient, and transparent systems of financial management and procurement with proper internal controls that warrant the most economical and transparent use of resources.

Key Activities

Plan and prepare the NRF Annual Financial Statements (AFS) aligned to the PFMA, NRF policies and procedures and relevant Treasury prescripts to enable an unqualified audit opinion in its endeavour to continue with the trend of clean audits from the AGSA through a range of internal controls systems and accountability mechanisms.

Ensure prudent financial management of public resources through deliberate and focused resource allocations with consideration for cost containment measures while advancing the mandate of the NRF that contributes to National Development. Such interventions will be aligned to business needs and systemic impact premised on the NRF re-alignment and service delivery model.

Supply chain strategic initiatives, including thought leadership, transformation, and seminal guidelines, will continue while the operational focus will be on users, particularly training and turnaround times in terms of the Internal Service Agreement.