Announcement of Successful Proposals for the Global Research Council Sustainable Devlopment Goals Pilot Call
Block Grants - Progress Reports Tutorial 2022 Final Student Fellow and Emerging Researcher Tutorial to Complete a Progress Report 2022 Final Bi-Annual Report for Honours 2022 (002) Extension of the Submission of 2022 Progress Reports Extension of the Submission of 2022 Progress Reports. Motivations for the Carry Forward of unspent funds should be submitted in the financials section of the Progress Report and must be in accordance with the guidelines in the Guide for Carry Forwards. Extended Closing Date for Grantholders/Students/Fellows 24 February 2023 Extended Closing Date for Designated Authorities 07 March 2023 Honours Scholarship-holders Honours students must complete the manual report attached and send to the Designated Authority (DA) at the institutional research/postgraduate office. The DA must upload the completed form to the relevant grant on the NRF System. Progress Reports for Grantholders/Freestanding Students/Postdoctoral Fellows: In order to complete Progress Reports on the NRF Online Submission System, please follow the steps below: Step 1 Log on to the NRF Online Submission System at with your ID/Passport number and password. Step 2 Go to - My Progress Reports Select - Create Progress Report Select the relevant grant(s) you need to report onClick the Apply button Complete all the compulsory and non-compulsory (if applicable to you) sections of the PR form (Note: All compulsory fields (*) should be completed before the system will allow you to proceed)Go to the NRF Connect system at, to complete/update your CV. If not registered on NRF Connect yet, please register and update your profile.Download the CV Preview on NRF Connect and attach it under the Attachments section of the Progress Report. This is very important as a PR without a complete CV will not be considered.Click on the Final Submit button (Note: Once the Report is submitted it cannot be edited) Please note PRs received after the closing date will not be considered. Grantholders awarded in 2021 and 2022 under the new Postgraduate Policy have to submit additional documents under the Attachments section. Please refer to page 10 of the Student, Fellow and Emerging Researcher Tutorial for more information. Grantholders have to submit all required PRs for 2022 grants to: Comply with the signed Conditions of Grant; and Enable the NRF to release 2023 funding, if applicable. Call for Nominations SARChI 5-year Reviews Grantholders who should submit their 5-year Review Reports should use Grantholder Tools on the NRF Online Submission System to complete the reports. Click for enquiries Progress Reports for Block grants and Grantholder-linked Grants (only for funding instruments listed below) Please refer to the attached document for instructions on how to complete PRs for the following funding instruments: Professional Development Programme (PDP) Integrated Biodiversity Information Masters Scholarships (SANBI) Collaborative Postgraduate Research Training Programme (nominated students only) Block Grants: Masters and Doctoral Manus and MatSci Grants Integrated Biodiversity Information Programme Please note Please note that the Progress Report will act as a “final report” for students/fellows who have already received the maximum NRF funding for the current level of study. International Conference Attendance/Travel (Emerging Researchers) International Conference Attendance/Travel not undertaken due to Covid-19 will not be carried forward into 2023 as other forms of Conference attendance were in place. This is specific to the Emerging Researcher Funding Opportunities e.g. Black Academics Advancement Programme (BAAP). Research Grants / Institutional Grants All these progress reports should be completed on the NRF Online Submission System at Travel, Training and Conference Grants Please note that the process of completing Progress Reports for this category of grants will be communicated in the near future when the templates will become available. Travel, Training and Conference Grants Please note that the process of completing Progress Reports for this category of grants will be communicated in the near future when the templates will become available. Note: All grantholders have to update/complete their CV on the NRF Connect system at When updated/completed, the CV Preview should be downloaded and then uploaded as an attachment under the Attachments section of the Progress Report.This is very important as a PR without a complete CV will be considered as incomplete. The following CV sections still appear on the NRF Online Submission progress report, but the sections have been made non-compulsory and therefore do not have to be completed in order for your report to be submitted. Only the compulsory sections (marked with a red asterisk) should be completed. QualificationsResearch ExpertiseStudent Supervision RecordPersonal ProfileAbsence from ResearchCareer ProfileResearch Outputs Contact Details For queries please contact: Strategic Investments Mr Jan Phalane (For Asia, America and Africa Bi-laterals) Telephone: (012) 481 4157 Email Strategic Investments Mr Stephen Dlamini (For European Bi-laterals and the Gulf) Telephone: (012) 481-4037 Email Strategic Investments Ms Mpai Motsei (For equipment-related grants) Telephone: (012) 481-4078 Email Established Researchers Ms Jane Mabena Telephone: (012) 481 4067 Email Established Researchers Mrs Judith Mahlanya (For CoE and SARChI Grants) Telephone: (012) 481-4063 Email Established Researchers Ms Motsakwe Rakgoale Telephone: (012) 481 4297 Email Emerging Researchers Ms Nozine Nqeketo Telephone: (012) 481-4184 Email Emerging Researchers Mrs Thandeka Mthethwa Telephone: (012) 481-4163 Email Emerging Researchers Ms Zodwa Mahlangu Telephone: (012) 481-4114 Email Emerging Researchers Mrs Melissa Govender Telephone: (012) 481-4311 Email