Dr Ntombi Mutshekwane

Board member

Dr Ntombi Mutshekwane maintains a wealth of experience in the fields of emergency medicine, healthcare technologies, digital transformation in healthcare, and SMME development. After qualifying as a Medical Doctor, she completed a Master’s in Business Leadership followed by a postgraduate diploma in Health Technology Management. She is the founder of the Mutsh Group of companies, which is comprised of Dr Mutshekwane Incorporated; Mutsh Medical International; and Mutsh Training Institute. Through her companies, Dr Mutshekwane has led a group of emergency medical doctors in the delivery of management services for emergency departments for healthcare providers in the private sector for over a decade.

She also previously held the position of Marketing and Clinical Advocacy Executive at Meditech South Africa. Dr Mutshekwane was recently appointed Healthcare Lead at Boxfusion Healthcare (Pty) Ltd, a leading software solutions provider to Government in South Africa, and she is also part of a group of healthcare professionals who invested in Momentum Healthcare Solutions. In addition, she is currently the Chairperson of the SMME subcommittee of the Black Business Council and is a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Cape Town where she lectures in e-Health.

Dr Ntombi Mutshekwane serves as a member of the Audit & Risk Committee.