National Research Facilities

The NRF provides leading-edge research infrastructure platforms that ensure that the national research enterprise has the requisite infrastructure to undertake globally competitive discovery science, train the next generation of researchers, support engagement with science by and with the public and promote innovation that positively impacts society, the environment, the economy. SAASTA and the National Research Facilities interact closely with a network of science centres, higher education institutions, science councils, professional science associations and a host of other science-based entities at national and international levels to increasingly engage the public (including educators, learners; under and postgraduate students and policy makers amongst others) in matters of science, engineering and technology, whilst also building, the next generation of critically engaged young scientists and innovators.

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iThemba Labs

The iThemba Laboratory for Accelerator Based Sciences is the continents' biggest facility for particle and nuclear research.

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The SAAO is a national facility of the NRF and the national centre for optical and infrared astronomy in South Africa.

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SAEON is a national platform for detecting, translating and predicting environmental change.

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SAIAB provides unique skills and infrastructure support in marine, estuarine and freshwater ecosystems research, molecular research, collections and bioinformatics.

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SARAO is a national facility of the NRF and incorporates radio astronomy instruments and programmes such as MeerKAT and KAT-7 telescopes in the Karoo, (HartRAO) in Gauteng