Dr Gugu Moche

I am the Group Executive: Digital Transformation and also the Acting Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Research, Innovation, Impact Support and Advancement (RIISA). 

The strategic value of the portfolio is to provide fit-for-purpose systems that facilitate streamlined data collection and analysis by incorporating appropriate digital technologies; enable collaborative research across geographical boundaries; open new avenues for funding, partnership opportunities, and public engagement; enhance efficient decision-making processes; provide data, information, and analysis for the National System of Innovation (NSI); and coordinate impact.

The purpose of the portfolio is to position the NRF as a thought leader in the national and international research enterprise, harnessing the power of digital technologies, data, and information to inform decision-making; drive scientific breakthroughs; foster collaboration; and contribute to the sustainable development of our nation.

The portfolio mobilises state-of-the-art technology infrastructures to support and enhance delivery, inform decision-making, and ensure accountability.

Through critical transformation of business and organisational activities, systems, capabilities and processes, the portfolio ensures a foundational change in how the NRF delivers value to its stakeholders.

What inspired you to become the leader you are today?

My inspiration to become the leader I am today is deeply rooted in my background in pure mathematics. The beauty and precision of mathematical principles taught me the importance of clear thinking and problem-solving. In my view, these skills are invaluable in leading any enterprise. Just as every mathematical problem has a solution, I believe that every challenge faced, especially in a professional environment, can be overcome with the right approach.

What advice would you give the next generation of women leaders?

To me, irrespective of gender, leadership is about building. It is about listening. It is about embracing challenges. It is about advocating for others. It is about creating an enabling environment for excellence, transparency, accountability, innovation, integrity, productivity, impact, and transformation to thrive.