Dr Mabatho Mutshekwane

I am a medical doctor, entrepreneur, health technology consultant and skills development practitioner, and a coach for SMMEs. At the NRF, I serve on the Board as a Member of the Audit and Risk Committee and was recently appointed a member of the Research and Development Committee.

What inspired you to become the leader that you are today?

I was motivated by the many circumstances that require us to think innovatively to find solutions for the institutional voids that exist in emerging markets, especially in the domains of healthcare, healthcare technology, skills development and leadership in healthcare and also, by the need to advance and create awareness of digital transformation in the healthcare sector.

I am motivated by the need to capacitate, coach and grow more entrepreneurs and SMMEs in South Africa, and by the need to address the skills gap that exists in in the country and create employment in the healthcare sector.

What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?

My advice to other female leaders is that they should:

  • Understand themselves and their leadership style
  • Affirm each other. Be kind to each other
  • Create enabling environments for coaching other women to become leaders
  • Invite each other to leadership positions
  • Not to fear adversity and to be bold
  • Always make time for themselves

What women can do differently to grow their careers:

  • Women can partner with each other as cross-functional teams to capacitate each other’s businesses and avoid burnout.
  • Create more opportunities for meaningful and personal conversations in this digital era.
  • Go back to their communities for the nurturing of our youth as a way of addressing the prevalent social ills. That way, women can help grow the careers of young leaders in historically disadvantaged communities.