Ms Lahlane Malema

I am the Chair of the NRF Board Procurement Committee, and a Member of the Audit and Risk Committee, providing strategic guidance and oversight primarily on legal advice, litigation, compliance, procurement, corporate governance, ethical and strategic matters.

I am a legal practitioner and admitted Attorney of the High Court RSA. In addition, I am a Board Member and Chair of various Board Committees at different institutions.

What inspired you to become the leader that you are today?

  • My late mom, a great hero and a trailblazer. She had no formal education, position or influence but she moved into totally unchartered waters with great wisdom and courage to lift us up.
  • Also, taking small bold steps with an unflinching resolve, and being surrounded by strong family and a professional support structure.

What advice would you give to the next generation of women leaders?

  • Light that torch in your space and ensure that it doesn’t go out by night. Rise whilst it is yet night and use those hands for your world. Do not forget the poor and the vulnerable.
  • Many women do excellent things, but you should seek to do better and be your own competition.
  • Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised.