Ms Lindiwe Nkwe

My role includes ensuring that there is legislative compliance to our NRF-wide Supply Chain Management (SCM) processes and procedures, and concise and timeous reporting to both internal and external stakeholders.

I am also involved in other aspects related to procurement such as engagements with both internal and external auditors.

I am an ex officio member of the NRF’s Bid Specification Advisory Committee, Secretariat of the Bid Adjudication Committee and I also attend and present to the Board Procurement Committee, sub-committee of the NRF Board. I do all of this with passion.

What inspired you to become the leader that you are today?

My late uncle always motivated and pushed me to perform well academically, even when I was still in primary school. Obtaining good marks at school came with a good reward. I also had good teachers who believed in me and validated me, always.

Growing up in Atteridgeville, we had a public library. I had a membership and I used to visit the library almost every day after school. My late uncle also subscribed to and read Reader’s Digest books/magazines. As a result of all the reading, I came across Dr Mamphela Ramphele. I started to look up to her, and she became my role model.

My Sunday school teacher, Mr Benny Lediga, introduced me to the true gospel. As a result of the Sunday school teaching and my subsequent journey of the true gospel, I practice servant leadership and emulate its principles. I am enthusiastic about prioritising the growth, well-being, and empowerment of others, especially young, motivated, and driven Black females. My first intern at the NRF was a young, dynamic, MBA student named Tumelo Mothupi.

What advice would you give to the next generation of women leaders?

They must believe in themselves and know that absolutely nothing is impossible. They must have a teachable spirit. They must focus on their dreams and goals; they must work smart; be focused; thorough; and take pride in their work. Have confidence but don’t be prideful. Be humble. Learn from their mistakes. Network with other females who hold similar interests and values. Have a mentor.

To grow in their career, they must not be afraid to compete in male-dominated careers/positions – challenge the status quo! They must not accept anything on a silver plate, they need to occupy powerful and strategic positions on merit and not because they are Black females, this is critical. Lastly, empower themselves through continuous studying.

“Life is going to give you just what you put in it. Put your whole heart in everything you do, and pray, then you can wait.” Maya Angelou