Announcement of Successful CSUR and Y-Rated Applications

Announcement of Successful CSUR and Y-Rated Applications

The National Research Foundation (NRF) and the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) are pleased to announce the provisional Competitive Programme for Unrated and Y-Rated Researchers grant awards for the 2023 academic year. The new Competitive Programme for Unrated and Y-rated Researchers awards for applicants, who responded to the 2023 Call for applications, have been made according to the strategic objectives of the Funding Instrument and the available budget. The successful new Competitive Programme for Unrated Researchers applicants and Y-Rated Researchers are listed in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively.


  • If your name appears in the table that follows, you have been successful in receiving a provisional award for 2023.
  • The NRF will forward award letters to successful candidates in January/February 2023.
  • The NRF will forward feedback to all unsuccessful applicants by the end of February 2023.
  • Once you have received the Conditions of Grant (CoG), please read through the written agreement carefully before accepting the award.
  • All signed and completed documentation must be submitted to the Research Office of your institution for uploading on the NRF system. Funds will only be released once the completed documentation has been received by the NRF.
  • All awards are made on a provisional basis and are subject to the awardee meeting all the eligibility criteria and conditions for acceptance of the award.
  • Please send all enquiries regarding the outcomes to the NRF via your Research Office.

Full details below:

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