Call for Proposal: Ecological Connectivity to maximize bio-diversity conservation 2023

Call for Proposal: Ecological Connectivity to maximize bio-diversity conservation 2023

The Southwest Indian Ocean (SWIO) basin is a globally recognized hotspot of endemism and biodiversity. It is home to many spatially fragmented Marine Protected Areas (MPA), which are essential in maintaining marine ecosystems. A crucial element, which requires further investigation, is the ecological connectivity, often highlighted in the design of MPAs and the guarantees of conservation success. This ecological connectivity governs the exchange of marine species moving across spatially fragmented habitats during their different life stages. The establishment of a powerful regional network of MPAs would help to promote the notion of linking management actions as well as to develop bold initiatives to achieve conservation goals. The extent to which measured or modelled representations of this connectivity are applied to marine management decisions is uncertain, as there are currently limited interactions between MPA governing bodies at the regional, and sometimes national level. Detailed knowledge of the distribution, movements, and interactions of marine species with their oceanic environment between different marine protected areas is essential for implementing effective marine spatial planning strategies, for assessing the effectiveness of marine protected areas, identifying new areas to be protected as a priority, but also strengthened existing strategies and areas.

Deadline for Submission: The deadline for submission of proposals is November 30th, 2023, 2:00 pm (CEST). Publication address of the joint call for proposals:
Before Submission: Before submitting a proposal for a research project, it is necessary to read carefully the whole of this document and the regulations relating to the terms and conditions for awarding grants from the ANR ( and the co-funders of the call.

Full Call details below:

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