Invitation to nominate members for the South African Global Change Scientific Committee

The National Research Foundation (NRF) manage the implementation of various components of the Global Change Grand Challenge (GCGC), specifically the Global Change Research Plan). The primary coordinating structure for these strategic initiatives is the South African Global Change Science Committee (GCSC). The GCSC have prominent scientific advisory roles at both national and international levels. At national level, the Committee provides guidance and oversees the implementation of the scientific components of the GCRP. At international level, it provides an interface between South African global change science and relevant international science programmes and structures, with due recognition of engagement in Africa.

The NRF invites nominations of individuals for consideration to serve on the GCSC for a period of three years effective 1 April 2022. Nominees should have a scientific track record in the areas identified in the 10-Year Global Change Research Plan for South Africa, and a commitment to the promotion of sound global change scientific research and related capacity development. Members of the GCSC will be appointed in their own right and not as a representative of an organisation or constituent. Preference will be given to young or emerging researchers from previously disadvantaged institutions. Refer to the enclosed GCSC Terms of Reference.

All nominations, accompanied by a comprehensive CV (with a detailed track record and/or practical experience in global change related research) of the nominee and a signed Letter of Acceptance by the nominee should be submitted by 25 March 2022 to Ms. Ntombizini Manana at

Invitation to Nominate Members:

Terms of Reference:

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