NRF/SAEON SMCRI/32/2023/24

NRF/SAEON SMCRI/32/2023/24
Bid Number: NRF/SAEON SMCRI/32/2023/24
Bid Description: Appointment of a service prover for Marine electronics engineering services for the development of real-time moorings to be deployed in the coastal ocean along the South African coastline over a five (5) year period.
Closing Date & Closing Time: 08 November 2023 @11:00 AM
Compulsory Briefing Session:
 12 October  2023 @10:00 AM
Electronic Bid Submission: Size of the email (document): 20MB
Email Address:
Bids Naming: Split documents into:
1. Technical Proposal
2. Pricing Schedule
Enquiries are directed in writing to: Supply Chain Management
Irene Moyo

Project Manager
Jethan d’Hotman

Bid Document:

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