
Bid Number: NRF/SAIAB/43/2023-24
Bid Description: Appointment of a qualified and experienced service provider to supply, install, integrate & commission the two (2) solar backup power systems [one] for the Main Building and [one for the] Collections Building and maintain for a 36-month period
Closing Date: & Closing Time: Tuesday, 28 November 2023, 11.00 AM
Compulsory Briefing Session: A compulsory on site briefing session will be held.
Date: 17 November 2023 at 14:00 AM
Venue: SAIAB building, 11 Somerset street, Makhanda
Bid Submission: Electronic submissions must be sent to
Bids must be submitted in two separate electronic folders, one with the compliance and technical response, and the second with the financial response.

The financial response must be password protected. Folders must be titled with the bidder’s company name and folder title. Attachments are limited to 25 MB per email.

Bidders are to send an email to post submission with the password to their financial envelope.

Direct enquiries in writing to: Supply Chain Management
Angela Buthelezi
Francois Lamont

Bids Documents:

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