Post-Doctoral Position TW2022

Post-Doctoral Position TW2022

The Physical activity, Sport and Recreation (PhASRec) Research Focus Area in the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Potchefstroom campus at the North-West University, South Africa, is welcoming applications for a post-doctoral position. PhASRec consists of experienced researchers focusing on physical activity in health, sport and recreation to optimise health and performance over the life span.

The position is available for a period of 1 year, but can be extended to three years. The salary is based on current post-doctoral bursary scales of the North-West University and the remuneration is sufficient to cover accommodation and a daily subsistence. A financial contribution will be made for travel arrangements to Potchefstroom by the University as part of the fellowship.

Interested parties should send a Curriculum Vitae (including the names and contact details of 3 references) and a cover letter stating the experience related to the project of interest to Prof Andries Monyeki ( no later than 28 November 2022.

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