GRC publication launch: Exploring Partnered Research Programmes: a guide for funders

GRC publication launch: Exploring Partnered Research Programmes: a guide for funders

The Global Research Council (GRC) launched a prominent report exploring Partnered Research Programmes.

The launch forms part of the 9th Annual Meeting of the GRC, which takes place virtually during 24-28 May, co-hosted by the National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). The GRC is constituted by heads of science and engineering funding agencies from around the world, dedicated

A significant action emanating from the 2017 Annual Meeting was the creation of the Working Group  on Partnered Research Programmes. It is under the auspices of this Working Group that the report has been launched, co-led by NRF South Africa and the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

The contribution of partnered research programmes to drive research impact, uptake of knowledge, innovation and skills development is well recognised. A growing number of research funding agencies support ‘partnered research programmes’ to catalyse collaboration between academic (e.g., universities, public research organisations) and non-academic organisations (e.g., private companies, NGOs, municipal governments), with the aim to promote social and economic innovation.

While some funding agencies have well-developed programmes and experience to draw from, a number of GRC members have shown increasing interest in sharing lessons and experiences on design, implementation and measurement of such programmes, and in promoting peer-learning among funders.

This publication presents models, processes, indicators and best practices that should be considered when designing, monitoring and evaluating partnered research programmes. It further discusses factors that could be considered when designing these programmes including engaging partners when identifying priorities; supporting sustainability or scaling innovations; attracting the right applicants and ensuring the right applicants receive funding. The lessons and approaches shared in this publication will be particularly useful to funders developing partnered research programmes.

The publication is a useful resource enabling funding agencies to make well-informed choices based on shared learning when developing and implementing programmes.

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