NRF/SAEON SAEN /53/2022-23

NRF/SAEON SAEN /53/2022-23

Please see below the list of bids received for the above mentioned bid, closing day was  today 01 February 2023 at 11;00AM.

1. Calvin and Family  Security Services ( Pty) Ltd 
2. Ensemble Trading 2366
3. Quatro Security Services
4. Gubis85 Security Services
5. JMP Security Solutions
6.Jubzin Security Services 
7. Ke Nna Malobise Security Projects  CC
8. Mphosha Security Services
9.Moshoma investment Holdings ( Pty) Ltd
10. Prime African Security 
11. Red Alert TSS ( Pty) Ltd
12. Siyejabula Security Solutions
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