NRF, Belmont Forum Make Funds Available for Climate Change Researchers in Africa

NRF, Belmont Forum Make Funds Available for Climate Change Researchers in Africa

The National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF) calls on climate change researchers across Africa to apply for funding availed through the Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Action (CRA) initiative. The NRF, in collaboration with the Belmont Forum, supports excellent climate sustainability research on the continent. The Belmont Forum is a group of funding agencies from around the world that support transdisciplinary, globally representative research groups and coproduction/participatory methods to address various global environmental change topics.

In support of the African Union’s climate, environment, and sustainability goals and priority areas for Agenda 2063, the NRF led the development of the CRA to address knowledge gaps and priorities in addressing climate change vulnerability across the continent. These gaps were identified during scoping sessions with the research community.

The themes for the call are:

  • Theme 1: Water – Energy – Food – Health Nexus
  • Them 2: Pollution
  • Theme 3: Disaster Preparedness, Responsiveness, and Recovery

Successful proposals must address and deliver on at least one of the three themes identified above, with cross-cutting linkages across multiple areas and the integration of blue and green economies, education, and awareness encouraged. Given the complexity and scope of these challenges, research consortia applying for funding must be transdisciplinary and must include researchers from the social sciences, natural sciences, and societal partners. It must also be transnational; in that it must include researchers from at least three countries.

Further information, including guidelines for applicants, national requirements, and the submission portal can be found at the Belmont Forum Grant Operations website:

For further clarity contact Michael Nxumalo;, +27 12 481 4011, and Bongani Nkosi for media interviews and queries;, +27 61 477 3064.

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